Why yOTga for kids?
The idea of "yOTga" came from my passion and experience in the field of pediatric occupational therapy. Children today have limited oppotunities to take time and connect with themselves! In a world where we are all connected through media, educational demands are increasing, and "unplugged" time is decreasing - yOTga can provide so many benefits.

Self-regulation & Sensory
Self-regulation is defined as "the ability to manage your emotions and behavior in accordance with the demands of the situation." Through various yoga postures, breathing techniques, and Social Thinking based activities, children can learn this important skill for life. Sensory modulation is a large part of self-regulating. All 8 senses (yes 8!!) can be tapped into and explored through yoga games, poses, and mindfulness activities!

Strength & Body Awareness
Through various poses and fun yoga games, children can build fine motor skills, core strength, muscle endurance, and body awareness. Understanding where our body is in space is part of our proprioceptive and vestibular system, both are challenged and explored during yoga poses. Various games can help support children learn body parts and how to better listen to their body.

Attention & Focus
Research has shown that children who have practiced mindful breathing reported that they were better able to focus, relax, reduce anxiety before tests, make better decisions when presented with conflict, and redirect their attention when off task (Napoli, Drech, and Holley 2005). Yoga mindfulness and breathing strategies can help children find ways to redirect their unfocused thoughts and maintain focus for longer periods of time.

Social Skills
Interactive games paired with visual supports, music, and creativity support children with introductions, team work, and opportunities to practice social thinking. Children can learn empathy during yoga by helping each other with poses, taking turns, and celebrating their successes together. Yoga stories can help teach understanding others' perpectives and allow children opportunities to learn these skills in a non-threatening environment.

The use of positive affirmations, mantras, and opportunities for self-expression through games and social interactions helps teach children how to find their inner light. Learning to accept who we are and realizing that our differences are what make us amazing is a skill everyone can benefit from learning!

Healthy Lifestyle
Our classes incorporate the importance of taking care of ourselves, others, and our planet. It is so important for children to learn the importance of and enjoy healthy eating and an active lifestyle at a young age. Through yoga and mindfulness activities, children can learn to better listen to their bodies and fuel themselves with healthy and yummy foods!